Does Homeowners Insurance Pay for Repipes? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to maintaining your home's plumbing system, repiping is one of the most significant projects you might face. As a repipe plumbing expert at We Do Repipes, I often get asked whether homeowners insurance covers the cost of repiping. The answer is not straightforward and depends on various factors, including your policy details, the cause of the damage, and the type of coverage you have. Let's dive into the specifics to help you understand when and how homeowners insurance might cover repiping.

Understanding Homeowners Insurance Coverage

Homeowners’ insurance typically covers sudden and accidental damage, such as burst pipes or unexpected plumbing failures. However, it usually does not cover damage resulting from gradual wear and tear, lack of maintenance, or pre-existing conditions.

Key Points to Consider:

  1. Sudden and Accidental Damage: If your pipes burst suddenly due to a covered peril (like a freeze or accidental breakage), your insurance may cover the repair costs. This can include water damage caused by the burst pipe and, in some cases, the cost to access and repair the damaged section of the plumbing.

  2. Wear and Tear: Insurance companies generally consider repiping as a preventive measure or a result of aging pipes. Since gradual wear and tear or deterioration over time is not covered, you might have to pay for repiping out of pocket.

  3. Type of Policy: The specifics of your coverage depend on your insurance policy. It’s essential to review your policy documents or speak with your insurance agent to understand the extent of your coverage.

Scenarios Where Homeowners Insurance Might Cover Repiping

  1. Water Damage from a Burst Pipe: If a pipe bursts suddenly and causes water damage to your home, your insurance may cover the cost to repair the damage, including necessary repiping.

  2. Hidden Water Damage: Some policies offer additional coverage for hidden water damage. If a pipe hidden behind a wall or under the floor leaks and causes damage, your insurance might cover the repair and repiping costs.

  3. Damage from Covered Perils: If your pipes are damaged due to specific covered perils, such as fire, vandalism, or a natural disaster, your insurance may cover the repiping costs.

What Homeowners Insurance Typically Doesn't Cover

  • Preventive Repiping: If you're repiping your home as a preventive measure due to the age of the pipes or recurring plumbing issues, insurance is unlikely to cover the costs.

  • Gradual Leaks: Slow leaks that cause damage over time are generally not covered, as they are considered a maintenance issue.

  • Improper Maintenance: Damage resulting from poor maintenance or neglect, such as failing to address minor leaks or corrosion, is typically excluded from coverage.

Steps to Take if You Need Repiping

  1. Review Your Policy: Carefully review your homeowners’ insurance policy to understand what is covered and what is excluded. Look for sections related to water damage, plumbing, and hidden damage.

  2. Consult with Your Insurance Agent: Speak with your insurance agent to clarify your coverage and discuss the specific circumstances of your plumbing issues.

  3. Get a Professional Inspection: Have a licensed plumber inspect your pipes and provide a detailed report. This documentation can be crucial if you need to file a claim.

  4. File a Claim: If your situation falls under the coverage provided by your policy, file a claim with your insurance company. Provide all necessary documentation, including the plumber's report and any repair estimates.



Whether homeowners insurance covers repiping depends on several factors, including the cause of the damage and the specifics of your policy. While preventive repiping is typically not covered, sudden and accidental damage might be. Reviewing your insurance policy, consulting with your agent, and getting a professional inspection to determine your coverage is crucial. At We Do Repipes, we are here to help you navigate this process and provide expert repiping services to ensure your home's plumbing system is in top condition.

Feel free to reach out to us at We Do Repipes for more information or to schedule an assessment of your plumbing with your repipe consultation. Call 832-819-8337. We're here to help you every step of the way!